About Surf Banana


Hey, I'm Fletcher, the founder of Surf Banana. I grew up surfing in Los Angeles but now find myself braving the chillier-than-I’d-like waters of New York City.

After 20 years of surfing, I realized there were some things that could make the wetsuit experience a lot less annoying—but I couldn't find them. I’ve worn a ton of neoprene over the years and know firsthand how much of a hassle wetsuits can be. They’re tough to get on and off, leave your car and home in a mess, and let’s face it, the whole process can feel a bit ridiculous at times. So, I set out to make products that actually make life easier for surfers and wetsuit users.

I also noticed that surf brands often take themselves too seriously. But surfing, at its core, is about fun, freedom, and not taking life too seriously. That’s why Surf Banana is different—our brand is playful, a little silly (just look at the name!), and embraces the humor in our sport. We’re here to make incredible, high quality products, and keep things lighthearted—like creating viral memes about the joys and absurdities of surfing.

Since launching Surf Banana, it's been an awesome ride. We’ve helped wetsuit warriors of all ages across the country make their wetsuit experiences less of a pain. Knowing that our products are making a difference in the surf community is truly rewarding, and I’m grateful for your support in helping a surfer’s dream become a reality.

Thanks for joining us on this journey. Stick around, we’ve got some exciting projects in the works!

P.S. Follow us on social media @shopsurfbanana for some hilarious surf memes and updates on new gear!